Welcome to TechHelp.US!

If you click on one of these links we can connect directly to your computer, see your screen and help you.
You must make an appointment so we can be ready and waiting to receive your connection.
Note that this is not a free service - our standard labor rates will apply!
So call or email if you need help!

Remote Support - Help1

This link will let Jim connect to your computer to provide tech support.

Remote Support - Help2

This link will let Dennis connect to your computer to provide tech support.

Remote Support - Help3

This link will let Jim connect to your computer to provide tech support.

Remote Accounting Help - Help.AskVince.Net

This link will let Vince connect to your computer to provide accounting support.

Omni Systems Associates can provide a wide variety of products & services, click on the link (<-) to find out more!

Click here to find out more about our Open Souce PLC ; An Arduino Mega 2650 compatible industrial control module / home automation controller.
We provide important information to assist you in setting up your unit as well as information on how others are using their units.

Click here to find out more about our Arduino ; compatible modules, parts and accessoroies.
We have a full line of modules, parts and accessories in stock as well as links and information to help you.

Click here for information on our low cost Component Tester ; That can identify and test transistors, diodes, capacitors, resistors, inductors and more!
We provide important information to assist you in setting up your unit as well as information on how others are using their units.





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On Site Services for Most of Northern New Jersey
Located in Sparta, Sussex County, New Jersey
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